The author of this book, Michael Grant, captured the attention of the audience extremely well. For one, he knew the age group he was aiming to write towards and molded the story to please them, for example he showed what would happen if people were cut off, no power of any kind, and it showed how teens or kids of any kind would panic when a situation, such as this one, arises. Another way that the author captures the interest is that he didn't make the books very long or very hard to read but he filled them with adventure, action and excitement from cover to cover. To show an example of what I mean the novel I’m reading, Light, is only 400 pages, the 6 book series has a total of 3000 pages.
Michael Grant has a way with his books and you can tell, right when you get comfortable with a character or a scene he throws something at you that changes everything which really captures your attention. For example at the beginning of this novel everything is calm and people are happy, but right when you start to get comfortable, the town gets attacked or a main character dies. Another example of how the author captures the audience is that every chapter is from a different character's perspective, thus the first chapter is from the point of view of someone in the main town, then the next is from the point of view of someone on the other side of the FAYZ. The final, and best, way that he captures the audience's attention is that he makes the books extremely immersive which causes the reader to make there own little world out of the story he delivered.