The pains increased, the cramping continued day by day. My stomach had turned into a time bomb waiting to explode. I entered my High School geometry class, preparing for a quiz for the following day. Half way through the class, I started to have an excruciating pain on the left side of my stomach. I excused myself from class and went to the bathroom hoping that might relieve some pain. Ten minutes had passed and the pain did not …show more content…
fade away. I decided that I had to go to the office and be taken home.
The next day, my Dad scheduled an appointment with my doctor to see what was causing the pain. We got the appointment the same day and we immediately drove over to the office of my doctor, William Morgan. Dr. Morgan laid me down on the examining table, first checking my pulse, then my breathing. Dr. Morgan lifted my shirt just above my chest to examine where the pain was coming from and just by placing his hand over my side and lightly thumping his hand over my side, we could all hear a hallowed sound coming from inside. He concluded that I might have been constipated, and he also thought it could be due to stress from starting high school. My Dad and I heard were surprised to hear that, that was causing the issue. Dr. Morgan then scheduled an X-ray to see how serious my intestines were filled will stool. The X-rays showed a large amount of stool that had accumulated over the course of several months.
Doctor Morgan suggested giving me Miralax which is an over the counter laxative, to slowly help remove the excess stool from my body.
There are different forms of Miralax but I took the powdered kind that can be mixed in with various drinks. Miralax is practically tasteless but with a mild grit texture. Weeks went by with no sign of improvement, and my schooling was non-existent. I missed more weeks in school than I could afford, which consequently led to me being a dropout from high school. I continued to have severe stomach cramps and vomiting. My Dad and I agreed that it was time to see another doctor by my name of Dr. Drew Kelts at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital. He is a specialist in gastroenterology. Gastroenterology is the study of disorders in the stomach and intestines. The first thing Dr. Kelts did was run a colonoscopy and an endoscopy at the same time. After seeing what was inside, he recommended a full cleanup of my digestive track by drinking a full gallon of Miralax in Gatorade. I began drinking the gallon of Miralax over the weekend. The first few glasses were okay, until I started to feel sick. I ran into the bathroom numerous times and attempted to continue drinking but I
We went back to Dr. Kelts to inform him that I couldn’t drink the gallon of Miralax. His next course of action was putting a feeding tube into my nose that led into my stomach. The content of what was being poured into my stomach through a tube was Miralax. I changed into a gown and sat myself on one of the hospital beds waiting for a nurse. She brought the tube connected to a gallon of Miralax. They tilted my head back and slowly inched the tube through my nose. The tube hit the top of my nose, then suddenly feeling a drop as the tube went down into my stomach. The pain was excruciating for the first few minutes, and then eased down. The tube was left in my nose for one day and one night. The next morning, the nurse took the tube out, slowly pulling it out of my nose. When she took out the tube that was the greatest relief I have ever had. The tube was out of my nose and Dr. Kelts returned to the room to see how I was doing, he greeted me with a smile and explained to me that my stomach was fully cleaned. Dr. Kelts stated that I could go back to eating anything and everything I used to eat without having any repercussions. I went home with a positive outlook and began eating burgers, pizzas, tacos, anything you could imagine. Not long after being out of the hospital my stomach began having signs of what happened before. The problems began recurring once again and I was back at square one.
Dr. Kelts was unsure on what was going on and proceeded to run one more test to determine if I am lactose intolerant. The test came out positive stating that I was lactose intolerant. I went on a lactose free diet for one year. I lost weight and the problems kept coming back.