Music has influenced our life to a great extend and plays an important role in every phase of our life. There is no human culture in this world that lacks music. Whenever there is any reason for people to come together music has always played an important role in such occasions. Music helps in reflecting one’s personality, character, and mental state. Music has become the source to remove stress, to bring enjoyment in one’s life and is some cases it has helped to increase the learning ability. We get very busy in our daily life any hence at the end of the day we are stressed. We have lots of tension in our life; we get short tempered very easily and hence have fights with our family. Music is the best way to get relaxed. Some people get relaxed by singing their own song or listen to the songs recorded in their own voice. Scientifically, it has been proved that music helps in relaxing the stimulation of nerve impulses in our brain. Generally slow and soft instrumental music helps in doing such action in our brain. It is due to this reason music is recommended in curing some of the neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Music has an important role in the field of entertainment; every movie is incomplete without song. Whenever there is any sad or happy situation in the movie music is played at the background in order to highlight the situation. Music is always played when group of people are together for some functions like wedding, parties, sports event, launch party and many such parties. However it has become the habit of listening music during our free time. We listen to the music while travelling long distance, while doing work, or while cleaning the house. We always here background music when we visit a coffee shop or a restaurant. It has been observed that music is helpful in