When Someone travels with an airline they must have their baggage checked before boarding the plane. Some people feel that this invades their privacy and that it is not necessary. Why should the airport check my personal belongings? Why cant they just pull up your criminal record or just check your pockets instead of checking everything? Some alternative plans is to take your bags and keep them in a secured part of the plane so there is no risk. And some airlines may even make you pay additional fees for these baggage checks meanwhile they are for your safety. Some airlines like Allegiant charge you $35 for your first bag. ("Airline baggage fees" 2) And how many people only bring one bag to the airport? Your second bag is $35 , and then any additional bags are “Subject to additional fees”. And all of this is paid for on top of your flight. Now shouldn’t it be an option to pay for safety? Does the airline even care about your safety or are they just trying to make more money? Collectively, airlines made approximately $3.4 billion in baggage fees last year (“Airlines bagging big money” 1). Some people believe that airline just do this to make more revenue. Even though air ports are forced to check your baggage by the FAA (“Air Carrier Operations Bulletin” No. 1-94-10) people believe that the airline should not charge you extra and that the whole concept of being charged for baggage is stupid. Instead of being
When Someone travels with an airline they must have their baggage checked before boarding the plane. Some people feel that this invades their privacy and that it is not necessary. Why should the airport check my personal belongings? Why cant they just pull up your criminal record or just check your pockets instead of checking everything? Some alternative plans is to take your bags and keep them in a secured part of the plane so there is no risk. And some airlines may even make you pay additional fees for these baggage checks meanwhile they are for your safety. Some airlines like Allegiant charge you $35 for your first bag. ("Airline baggage fees" 2) And how many people only bring one bag to the airport? Your second bag is $35 , and then any additional bags are “Subject to additional fees”. And all of this is paid for on top of your flight. Now shouldn’t it be an option to pay for safety? Does the airline even care about your safety or are they just trying to make more money? Collectively, airlines made approximately $3.4 billion in baggage fees last year (“Airlines bagging big money” 1). Some people believe that airline just do this to make more revenue. Even though air ports are forced to check your baggage by the FAA (“Air Carrier Operations Bulletin” No. 1-94-10) people believe that the airline should not charge you extra and that the whole concept of being charged for baggage is stupid. Instead of being