Personal differences and preference can impact organizational ethics by the perception of management and all the employees of the organization. When employed at many jobs during your career you are faced with multitude of individual differences and preferences. Someone’s personal differences does not affect the individual alone, but it affect others around them. I am a firm believer, that everyone should be treated differently in an organization, because everyone’s personality is not the same. For example, an employee has an out- going personality and enjoys being the leader of the group where as others may enjoy just working alone. However, that would be the personality that represents the overall profile of stable psychological attributes which captures the unique nature of that individual.
Values and ethics are essential to any organization –those functioning in leadership positions are no exception. Also, depending on the level of authority the individual has in the organization, the effects of their influence can be very …show more content…
On the issue of finding Mr. Water’s personal documents in the copier, I would not have kept this information to myself. I would anonymously forward the documents to upper management. If management asked for the individual to come forth, I would bravely go forth. Knowing that top management is committed to the ethical behavior of their employees, I would feel safe about my job security and my career with the company. I would feel more at ease that this situation was out of my hands and in the hands of someone who would confront this manager with legal actions. Valerie case is one that requires her to look within herself to make sure that her own moral fiber does not get misled in the her decision