Alexandra Coleman
Period 7
Purpose: To determine how nuclear power effect’s the elderly opinion versus the younger age groups.
Hypothesis: I hypothesize the elderly to be more opposed to nuclear energy than the younger generation.

Survey Questions
Create a survey consisting of 8 questions or more.
Pass out the survey to every 5th person in your local area
Question 1: How much do you know about nuclear power?

Question 2: Do you think nuclear power should continue to be used in the future?

Question 3: Would you be opposed to a nuclear power plant being put up in your local area?

Question 4: Do you think nuclear power should be used as an alternative source of energy?

Question 5: Do you think nuclear power is more efficient in comparison to other energy-related sources?

Question 6: Do you believe nuclear power is more safe in the United States than other parts of the world?

Question 7: Have recent events concerning nuclear power plants in Japan caused you to become more or less opposed to nuclear power?

Question 8: Are you aware of the nuclear power incidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl?

Processed Data:

Overall this survey proved that although more people below the age of 50 are willing to support nuclear power or is comfortable with it being a main energy source, the idea of nuclear power being continued in the future or being used now is mostly opposed by both ages below and above 50. So in the end my hypothesis proved false because both age groups have similar outlooks on nuclear power.
I hypothesized that people over the age of 50 would more opposed to nuclear power rather than people below the age of 50 because they would less