Imagine living in the U.S. as an illegal immigrant with a nice family and a job then BANG! That person does one small thing wrong he, or she could get deported from their families and anything they ever worked for just because they didn’t have a green card. secondly In the U.S. there are many illegal immigrants being deported from their families and losing everything just because becoming a U.S. citizen is a lot harder then some people would think. In summary illegal immigrants should be able to stay in the U.S. because it is inhumane to deport these individuals from their families, across the U.S. undocumented workers perform a critical role in U.S. Economy; lastly, amnesty is not the best solution to our immigration problem but it is the only reasonable solution.
Some alternatives said " It is unrealistic and …show more content…
"most illegal immigrants are otherwise law abiding"( Amnesty should be granted because most of the illegal immigrants keep to themselves and follow the law so they don’t bring attention, then they will most likely not get deported. In fact "there too many illegal immigrants to do anything else"( To further explain, there are too many immigrants to deport all of them. Why waste the governments time to deport immigrants and do a bad thing when the U.S. can help and illegal immigrants and help them become a citizen. Secondly "A majority of Americans(54%) say they favor amnesty already in the country if they pass a background check and meet other conditions"(Krogstad,et,al,). This proves that a little bit more than fifty percent of Americans agree to help out with illegal immigrants that want to become a citizen of the United States. In the final analysis amnesty is most likely not the best solution is not the best solution to the illegal immigration problem buy it is the only reasonable