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How sports can help you to upgrade your academic level
In the world today, there is a prevalent view that everyone is extremely different from one another. We hear that each individual is like a snowflake “extremely unique, in their own right . In recent years, however , there has been research that indicates that, perhaps people can be categorized into two basic groups: those with sports mindset and those who do not play sports. This research demonstrates that those who do not play sports perform academic at a much lower level than those who play sports.
According to a study by the Society for Neuroscience, voluntary exercise can increase the number of brain cells in the hippocampus (a brain structure important in learning and memory). Exercise also helps counter the effects of stress and boosts the brain’s ability to fight off infections.
Research on those who do not participate in physical activity demonstrtes that they have higher levels of fatigue. This provokes lack of energy, boredom, and emotional stress, therefore jepordizing the student’s ability academically. This decreases the likeliness of completing or investing effort in homework, tests, and basic school assignments.
Regarding of those who play sports , they are always going to be with a open mind because of the fact that they would be with a myriad of energy , zero fatigue and feeling healthy, those trhee things help you to be positive all day, so you will be encourage of doing homework, study for your tests and put to yourself bigger academic challenges for your goals.
Gonzalez 2
Some may argue that sports are for dumb people because they think that most of the physical and athletic persons are stupid , but thats only a stereotype of course , they are absolutely wrong , researches prove that
Cited: "Page Not Found." : National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). N.p., 09 Feb. 2011. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. . "Physical Fitness Can Help Improve Grades." Physical Fitness Can Help Improve Grades. N.p., 7 Mar. 2010. Web. 17 Sept. 2012. .