The industrial revolution, which took place in Britain and later spread to other parts of the world from the 18th to the 19th century was where there was a process of change from a hand production economy to machines and industrial methods. Moreover it later allowed mass production of food, material and significant inventions which was essential for conditions of life and that are still in used today. Although it occurred around the same time of the French, American and Latin revolution the industrial revolution has been considered one of the most important and significant change the world has ever seen. Therefore to answer the question to what extent do you agree that the industrial …show more content…
revolution was a progressive process? In this essay I will be attempting to answer whether the industrial revolution was a progressive or a regressive change. This will involve me first defining the term revolution and my views and explanations of the positive and the negative effects and impacts of the Industrial revolution. By doing this I will prove my views that, whilst the industrial revolution had many negative effects, it was certainly a progressive process.
Firstly, in my opinion the term revolution is an overthrow and the replacement of a government or a political system, which has a fundamental change over a period of time. Therefore in this case there was a fundamental change in the working and living conditions. During the industrial revolution Britain was the dominant power of the world and was more industrialized than any other country. This was because of a number of reasons. Firstly, Britain’s geographical location was ideal for trading goods and material for the reason that Britain had a lot of natural harbors and ports since it was an island nation. In addition Britain was the colonial power of the world and had almost 25% of the world land area as its colonies. Which meant the raw material in their colonies could serve as their main marketplace for goods. In such cases India the world’s largest producer of cotton textile helped grow Britain’s textile industry. As the demand for goods increased because of the population explosion in the early 19th century, British merchants needed more efficient and faster way to produce the goods. As a result led to the machine and factory system in Britain.
Under these circumstances the working and living conditions has gradually changed over the period of time, both had negative and positive impacts.
Firstly more urban areas and living standards were increased. There was better quality material to build houses and modern buildings were constructed, transportation system exploded and was exponential to transporting goods such as coal, lead and to local passengers. Furthermore the revolution opened ways for inventions to become innovated. There were many inventions introduced at that time and each of them had separate individual effect on society. James watt had improved the steam engine which maintained the growth of cheap and faster transportation. Moreover with the help of inventions such as the power loom, cotton gin, spinning jenny and the water frame there was an increase of production in the sewing and textile industry. In addition the working conditions had also improved, in the factories skilled labor was necessary to work for them and to have faster production. This increased job opportunity and forced farmers and people engaged to farm who lost their land because of the enclosure system to work for them since they needed a replacement instead of
On the other side the working and the living conditions have faced negative effects. Since the populations in cities and towns increased exceptionally, there was creation of slums. The industrialist had earned enough money, however the laborers had hardly ever been paid. Therefore there was a gap between the poor and the rich and created class consciousness. The rich industrialist had expensive homes, however the majority of the population who were laborers lived in slums and small houses. The slums had lack of health and sanitation and it wasn’t ideal for a person to live in. Furthermore in 1831-1866 there was 4 outbreaks of epidemic called cholera and many faced severe infection. In addition the overall negative aspects were in working conditions. The factories weren’t fitting for working, the machineries were unsafe and smoke came right out of the factory and many people died from pollution. They didn’t create any laws or rights for paying policies and the working hours.
Finally to conclude the industrial revolution was an important revolution in humanity. It left an everlasting mark on society. Although it consist of many negative impacts, the positive impact and significance definitely outweighs and exceeds the negative impacts. For instances we wouldn’t be able to wear proper formal attire or clothing and it would be a privilege not a compulsory thing to go to school. The industrial revolution certainly didn’t change the conditions and the standards of living but also changed how people though and to approach problems. The main point for a revolution is a change and certainly the industrial revolution has changed to world in a positive way.