How technology drives fashion to a production shift
Written by: Zoë Holman, M2A
The global fashion industry in 2030 will be fully focused and adept to technological developments that will take place over the next 20 years. The building blocks for the future of the fashion industry are already being made and will be developed further on. Technological developments will ensure that not only the fashion industry but in each market a continuous flow of new innovative products and services arises. According to ‘’, the non-stop avalanche of new products and services ensures the arrival of a new type of consumer – the virgin consumer. This new consumer will constantly be confronted with new products, which creates the continuous experience of a ‘first time’ with a product, even for the most experienced customer. Not only the technological developments that are taking place creates the birth of the ‘virgin consumer’. The consumers themselves also have a big role in the birth of this new consumer, because consumers hunger for anything new continues to grow and grow. This has the consequence that brands and services are forced to continue to innovate and develop new products to the market. Technological developments in the fashion industry In the upcoming years technology will increase more and more influence in the fashion industry. The technological developments not only provides innovative products but also the improvement of logistics, consumer analysis etc. In 2030, the fashion industry is increasingly focused on fast fashion, sustainability, logistics and innovation. The most important technological developments, which contribute in the fashion industry, are being highlighted below. The continues growing consumer hunger for new product must be fed as good as possible, that’s why its so important to make consumer analyses by technology. According to ‘the economist’ the information that can be achieved by online shopping now can by