The television, one of the most popular mass media in these days, was developed in 1884, as a first electromechanical machine from a German named Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, but nowadays it using has changed; it is employ in Italy from more than the 90 percent of the population. For this, there are many opinions on the impact that the TV has had on the people of the entire world: Alfred Hitchcock once said, “Television …show more content…
Back then it was a useful invention because the majority of the Italian population that could not read, was still informed by the television on what was happening in the outside; programs where selected and there were not any movies with violence, or actions that were adapt for children. Is not hard to tell how it changed: the first very important improvement was the introduction of the colours, and then they started adding new programs (as cultural quiz) that you were able to watch all day, not only at a certain …show more content…
Before 4 p.m. the screen was all black, off; but at 4, in the middle of the day, my mum didn’t let me and my sisters watch the TV, she always used to say to go in the garden and play and so we did. I used to watch the TV from 5 p.m. to 5.30 because there was Heidi, and I don’t remember myself watching something else. When I was 10/11 years old that I was following the TV show ‘Happy Days’, but besides these two programs, during my childhood I preferred to spend time outside, playing with my friends and my sisters.”
“Do you think that the influence of the television technology has changed the behaviour of teenagers?”
“I do really think that television changed not only their behaviour, but their lives. Today, most of the teenager lives attached to this powerful machine (and telephones), the problem was and is that people who are constantly in front of the television keep eating and they do not do any sport, they just keep being lazy all the time and is this that is causing many obesity cases.
The teenager’s behaviour also change because of some bad programs and movies: that includes bad words, inappropriate contents such as pornography or violence. People can assimilate all the things and words that they see on the television: for this problem, children and teenagers became more discourteous in the way to act and speak with someone older than them. There are no inhibitions, no morale, and all because of what is