On one hand, the Christian faith was doomed to fail from the beginning because…
Persecution (Who persecuted them? Why were they being persecuted? How was this a problem? How do we know this/evidence?)
Beliefs based on truth Claims and unlikely events (Eg the Holy Spirit / miracles etc). (Why would this deter new followers? Would they be taken seriously? Evidence to support this)
However, despite these problems which the faithful experienced, the Christian community continued to grow because…
Persecution as a way of helping the Community (you should get the idea by now, based on looking at the A section)
You could look at how the community gained confidence and direction from their belief in the Holy Spirit
How the Church was spread further and guided by Paul, after his conversion
Why the community increased, due to popularity with the poor and the sick
In my opinion, I believe that…
State what you believe or disagree with. Don’t just say what points you agree with, in earlier sections
Feel free to use this to help you structure your paragraphs. However, your assessment MUST be done in paragraphs. If you submit an ADI table instead of an essay, it will not be marked
Assessment Question: The Early Christian faith should have been doomed to fail, from the very beginning. Discuss
Due Tuesday 22nd April (1st day back after easter) – No Exceptions
Since this is a discussion question, you have to look at both sides of the argument of this question. The best way to do this is to split the question into THREE sections
1) On one hand, the early Christian community was greatly threatened by… (Here you need to look at why the faith had problems at this time)
2) However, despite these problems the faithful experienced, the Church continued to grow rapidly. This is because… (Here you need 3-4 paragraphs on what caused the community to grow)
3) In my opinion, I believe that… (here you give your own views on the