The fear portrayed by Frodo shows us that he is well aware of the effect the Ring has on the user and its surroundings thus giving him foresight of his predicament. By taking that position, he is aware that the ring will slowly start to taint the holder. Personally, in fact, I was also tainted. Not by the act of an object, but by the fear of reliving a traumatizing experience that I had both seen and experienced during my childhood. The first traumatizing experience occurred after my fifth birthday. It was late August, and my family had just moved into our new house. My parents bought me a bike for my 5th birthday. Before that, I never really took into account about how a bike worked or even imagined getting on a
The fear portrayed by Frodo shows us that he is well aware of the effect the Ring has on the user and its surroundings thus giving him foresight of his predicament. By taking that position, he is aware that the ring will slowly start to taint the holder. Personally, in fact, I was also tainted. Not by the act of an object, but by the fear of reliving a traumatizing experience that I had both seen and experienced during my childhood. The first traumatizing experience occurred after my fifth birthday. It was late August, and my family had just moved into our new house. My parents bought me a bike for my 5th birthday. Before that, I never really took into account about how a bike worked or even imagined getting on a