many people are apathetic towards politics 2. as of 2005, only 36% of college freshman keep up with politics a) american youth are less likely to be informed of political events b) Generation X holds the future, but are not well informed c) this has lowered the national percentage of those who vote Government A. institutions that make authoritative decisions for society collectively is known as government B. Roles of government include 1. maintain a national defense a) governments protect national sovereignty by maintaining armed forces b) since 9/11 the defense budget has substantially increased 2. provide public services a) schools b) libraries c) weather forecasting d) highways e) public parks f) public goods 3. preserve order a) every government must have a way to preserve order in cases of outbreak, protest, etc... b) ex.…
Explain how Darwin/Wallace’s theory of evolution by natural selection and isolation accounts for divergent evolution and convergent evolution:…
The laws government enacts are a way to enforce rules. The government’s role in business is to protect consumers from bad business practices by enforcing rules, regulations and laws that the businesses have to go by if they want to practice business. The government is also responsible for protecting the employees that work for these businesses by making sure they provide a safe work environment and that they are protected against discrimination. The environment has to be protected from businesses to make sure they are operating in a safe manner that is not harming to the environment such as making sure oil spills are cleaned up properly. Taxation is an important form of revenue for government agencies, without taxation there wouldn’t be a budget for things like schools, police and firefighters.…
“For a long time we could not speak” (56). The government should never be allowed, at any circumstances to be control of any individual. Each and every person should have the right to choose a career that satisfies them, choose a significant other, and create friendships. In a life, this is how an individual finds exactly who they are and how they want and choose to express themselves. This is why the government should never be able to control you as an individual.…
however, the government says that it is doing a lot of stuff to make the world a better place however, they are just saying that so we can stop hound the government about what they are not doing. When you weigh all of the evidence you could conclude that there is so many issues in the world and the government plays a bi part in make and contributing issues in the world and it probably seems like as the time goes by the issues from the…
Do you want to have everything decided for you? Does that make you feel safe and comfortable? How about confused and concerned? Do you see too many laws that restrict your freedom? Government protects people from threats and is not to unnecessarily legislate that restricts freedom and governs morality but to leave that to the realm of individual responsibility.…
The government is the only source of legal justice. We as human being have strong moral to treat others fairly regardless of their gender, race, or religion. The government is the only institution that can make this a reality. There are government policies and institution that are designed for the purpose of promoting important public values. Some of the most important things the government provides are: social and economic justice, criminal justice and freedom and equality.…
The most important purpose to me is that the government maintains a stable society. If we did not have stability, then I don’t think we would be where we are today. Stability to me is having control of society, while society determines who has that control. We are allowed to vote and have free speech, which in return, lets society as a whole elect who we think will look out for our individual interest, as well as the society as a whole. A big contributor to having stability is human nature. It is on us as a society to help protect each other from the ones that choose not to adhere to the rules in place to help keep that stability. We as society need some sense of civic sense and responsibility to be able to not only look out for each other, but help enforce the rules set in place to keep a safe and friendly environment. As human nature would have it, we cannot predict how another human being will act toward another or even act out when put in a certain setting. Therefore, we need the government to make laws that can prevent or detour negative acts while among society. Another factor for stability in society is having economic stability. Without economic stability, the society would become stagnant and would not be able to grow, therefore making it difficult to stabilize. Not having economic stability makes society have a negative outlook for consumer spending. Not having society spend hurts the growth of the economy.…
First off i did not have a clear thesis statement which made it hard for me to argue towards my point i was trying to get across. I would re-write my thesis statement to help have a valid point to argue. My thesis statement would be about the government controlling everything and how they had to obey their rules. That would help towards my arguments and put me in the right direction. With that thesis statement i could use the tiqa tiqa format to write paragraphs that help me support my thesis statement. By having a good thesis statement that would help me have a great body paragraph and also make the point im trying to get across in my body more clear. Without a thesis it put me in the wrong direction and made it hard to have any valid points.…
In the United States today the government tries to interfere in private lives. There should be no more laws made letting the government interfere in the private lives of people and if there are, people should stand up against this invasion in people’s privacy and sat no. Should the government have the right to interfere in people’s private lives? Does being a part of a representative democracy mean that people can give up their freedom to make their own choices to benefit other people?…
If someone were to ask me, "What has the government done for you today?" I would most likely say nothing, but as I researched I have looked back on my past and my present. I have realized realized that through the years I have really noticed that laws do hold a foundation on my everyday life as well as others. Laws are principles and regulations that are established under the authority of the state and/or the nation. They help to form the foundation for a country that protects and provides for its citizens.…
Secondly, there is health. Without health we would be a very sick world with short lasting lives. There are several benefits of a healthy life. You can live without suffering from any aches, pains, discomfort and even a variety of viruses. In every sphere of your life, you will be able to perform to the best of your ability. The government provides general healthcare to many lower class Americans for example, AHCCS, AHCCS is a program that provides medical coverage, such as doctors office visits, hospitalization, prescriptions, and lab work for a low cost. Without the government…
First of all, the laws and government that govern us greatly add to our high quality of life. One main characteristic of our laws and government that increase our quality of life is our freedom. Freedom is taken for granted by most people today. Without freedom many of your decisions and actions would be gone. Some things like talking to your friends in the hall or things you say over the phone could be monitored. Also the clothes you wear could be the same as everyone else 's if it was not for freedom of expression. If we did not have the freedom to worship any religion we choose in school we might have religious practices and everyone would most likely be forced to follow that religion by the government. In this regard the many freedoms that we have are taken for granted while they have a large impact on improving our superb quality of life. Another way in which the laws and government provide us with an excellent quality of life is by providing us with a just society. Our society is just in several ways, one of which is democracy another is the fairness presented to us by our government.…
Summing up, for me, the role of the Government within a society doesn’t only relies on taking power and control; it also means that I, as a leader, should care about all the people who live in the place I rule, and as long as there are the means to help them have a better quality of life, then I…
For example In the real world without govt intervention there would be too little education and public transport.…