Malana Yousafzai states “I raise up my voice- not so I can shout but that those without a voice can be heard …. We can not succeed when half of us are held back.” All of us have voices in what we believe, but many of us are not heard due to our gender. Being a women comes with many limitations due to gender inequality in society, foreign religions and beliefs and interactions with co-workers in a work environment.
In “How The School Shortage Boys,” by Gerry Garibaldi, Garibaldi's states “ it is boy’s aggressive and rationalist nature ...that’s getting so many in trouble in the feminized schools.” What Garibaldi is trying to say is that boys are treated differently in school when they act out or in their …show more content…
This affects many women in different ways that effects their careers and school accomplishments. Men and women hold different jobs. There are over 3.53 billion women in the world. How many of those women do you see being pilots or being plumbers? Or how about ,women being CEO’s of a construction company ? It’s rare seeing a women in these occupations. Statics show that 9% of women hold a occupation is construction. (Construction industry) Why? Because urban myths state women can not have such jobs as these. Those myths also have lead women and many men into believing that a female figure is not suitable for a “man's job”. That urban myth is not true. Statics show that 1.9% of women hold plumber jobs. I believe that women are given an invisible rule book by society. In this invisible rule book, I consider, there are codes and jobs a women can and cannot do. I believe it also states, that women are not strong enough to be in men occupations. Or that women do not have enough knowledge to do a man’s job. Growing up in past or present society, women are given these ideal women careers. Like, being a model for a big fashion company, a housewife, or a beautician. Which many women disagree. Women should be able to have the same job as a man and also make as much money as a man …show more content…
Many people may report to gender inequality in a workplace as sex discrimination. Sex discrimination can happen in any work environment. Women are most commonly involved in gender inequality. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 is a federal law amending the Fair Labor Standards Act, Aimed at abolishing wage disparity based on