How to Accomplish a Goal: 24 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
How to Accomplish a Goal
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Three Parts:
4 days ago
Setting Goals
Getting Started
Accomplishing Your Goal
Everyone has dreams. Whether they are big or small, they have vast importance in our lives.
The procrastinator in all of us doesn't have to win. The Little Engine That Could was on to something with the whole "I think I can" mentality. With just a little bit of planning, accomplishing a goal is a simple task.
Part 1 of 3: Setting Goals
Start working toward your goals today. Ask yourself, "What can I do today to get one step ahead, however small, closer to achieving my goals?" Write it down
and start now. Taking the first step is arguably the most important step. You'll establish some much-needed momentum. This will make quitting both personally disappointing and strategically harder. In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "Do one thing every day that scares you."
When you set goals, think about setting SMART goals. SMART is an acronym and mnemonic that provides a framework for thinking about goals.[1] Educators
and coaches like to use this framework because it forces us to sit down and reallydesign our goals intelligently so that they're ultimately easier to accomplish.
SMART stands for:
S – Specific (or Significant). 1/24
How to Accomplish a Goal: 24 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
M – Measurable (or Meaningful).
A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented).
R – Relevant (or Rewarding).
T – Time-bound (or Trackable).
In keeping with SMART, make sure your goal is specific and definable. A definable goal might be something like "I'd like to lose 20 pounds in three months"
or "I'd like to win a Scrabble tournament." Specific, definable goals help you stay on track and let you know they're feasible.
An unspecific goal,