Furthermore, one must evaluate himself before applying for any job. You must be confident in the fact that you are the right person for the job. For example, if you are applying for a position as a cashier at a very prestigious restaurant, you want to be sure that you are good with calculations and task management. Because if you are unorganized, and insufficient. You will be dispatched faster than the meal itself. Granted that, if you are not efficient at doing certain tasks. You may not even qualify for a certain position, even a cashier has to be able to listen and react fast enough to dispatch customers.
In my eyes, a superior chief executive has the ability to dictate what’s best for a company. Not only that, he must also be able to make critical decisions and dictate what’s best for the workers. He must have a strong back and wits to match. When searching for a leader one looks for initiative. A person who would not be afraid to start an