Ramon L. Morales
Robert Morris University
11 May 2010, PMP 575
The text “What it takes to be a good project manager” analyses two approaches to the prerequisites of effective project management. The author, B.Z.Posner, makes an original parallel between the primary personal characteristics of successful project managers (PM) and the basic problems facing such a position. In fact, Posner suggests the idea that these approaches are interconnected and hence the primary successful PM’s characteristics are those that would help PM the most to overcome the basic problems facing his/her activities.
1-What primary characteristics distinguish the very successful project managers from the more mediocre project managers? Successful project managers must have a range of personal characteristics as well as problem solving skills. Project managers must have the organizational planning skills to effectively utilize limited resources, the communication skills to listen and identify potential problems, the leadership skills to seize the initiative and set the example, and have the team building skills to motivate the team towards a common goal with the resolve to see the project through to completion. The successful project manager must also be adaptive to change and be technical and tactically proficient.
2-In Table 3, match the rankings between skills and problems. Why aren’t the top skills matched to the problems?
1-Communication-Resources inadequate
2-Organizational-Meeting (“unrealistic”) deadlines
3-Team Building- Unclear goals/Direction
4-Leadership- Team members uncommitted
5-Coping-Insufficient Planning
6-Technological- Breakdown in communications
Selecting a good project manager is complex and there are various opinions at to weather a specific set of skills are the determining factor or if a person’s ability to deal with likely project problems makes them a good project manager. I think part of the reason that