Unit 15 Essay
5 July 2013
How to Become an Effective Manager
There is a lot of hard work and skills that need to be developed to become a real manager. Managers have several skills and talents they learn as they advance in the workplace, not all of them will develop the very simple and basic ability to be an effective manager.
They have to do a lot more than just manage finances and give projects. A manager has to teach people and show them in a way to allow them to be the best they can be, so later on they too can advance up through the company on their own qualities.
So 1st thing to becoming an effective manager, you have to improve your own leadership abilities and actions that are needed to be a great business leader.
I think one of the most essential things that anyone must do is lead by example. We do this as parents, and we are taught to do it as older siblings for our younger brothers and sisters. Too many managers often live by “do as I say, but not as I do,” as a substitute of setting an example for their employees. If a manager wants hard work, and teamwork from the employees in their company, I think that they themself must first show that they can also work hard, that they are trust worthy, and that they are just as much a team player as their employees.
You have to listen to the people you work with. A lot of times employees have great suggestions that get overlooked. Always communicate with them, and make sure they know they can come to you that you have an open door policy.
Effective managers will always give credit to an employee who does it. Showing appreciation not only will show them they are needed and appreciated, but also build their confidence and make them always want to do better.
Whether it showing them publicly or with a small bonus. When people are appreciated, it will always motivate them to want to perform better.
Trusting your employees and giving them responsibility. If you
Cited: Greń, M. (2009, Sept 9). The 6 main qualities that make a Manager a good one. Retrieved July 1, 2013, from goyello blog: http://blog.goyello.com/2009/09/18/the-6-main-qualities-that-make-a-manager-a-good-one/ Priolo, D. (2011, Dec 09). Retrieved July 1, 2013, from http://info.profilesinternational.com/profiles-employee-assessment-blog/bid/72086/6-Essential-Traits-of-Highly-Effective-Managers-Do-You-Have-Them