Breast Cancer is very severe and deadly cancer, and needs to be prevented quickly. By accomplishing this goal we need to get more people involved to spread the information. Without the very important information about Breast Cancer being spread around to other women, the death rate caused of Breast Cancer can sadly and unfortunately rise even larger, and as people, we shouldn’t want this at all!
People should donate and or support Breast Cancer because a lot of people are dying from it. For example, “One woman will die of Breast Cancer every 13 minutes in the U.S.” as said in the article, “11 Facts About Breast Cancer”. Unfortunately, “Breast Cancer kills women in the U.S, than any cancer except lung cancer” as told in the article “NIH: Breast Cancer”. These facts are so depressing and unfortunate. Another depressing fact about Breast Cancer is that, “Breast Cancer deaths have been increasing since 1990.” as told in the article “11 Facts About Breast Cancer”. Also, “Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in the whole entire world.” (11 Facts About Breast Cancer). Breast Cancer is a very deadly cancer that needs to be prevented or stopped. With the help from other people, this plan and goal can actually come into affect and save many lives. …show more content…
We need more people to donate and support to Breast Cancer because Breast Cancer is so deadly that there are so many risks for it. For example, “Obese women have more of a chance of getting breast cancer” (31 Breast Cancer Facts). Unfortunately, if a woman just happens to be African American, the she is also at risk of getting Breast Cancer” (1 in 8 Women). These risks are so small but could lead a woman towards her death. “Another unfortunate risk for a women is being the age of 40 and older” (31 Breast Cancer Facts). Also if Breast Cancer just happens to be in the woman’s genes there a risk of the woman getting Breast Cancer. These risk are so little but can cause the death of many fantastic women. These women need as much help and support they can get.
The readers of this paper should support this paper because there are way too many people at risk of dying. Breast cancer causes way too many deaths per year as far as woman. For example, “the leading risk factor of getting Breast Cancer is being a women” (31 Breast Cancer Facts). Also “eighty-five percent of Breast Cancer occurs in women” (31 Breast Cancer Facts). The women in this world are so unfortunate when it comes to the possibility of getting Breast Cancer. Like, “in a man’s lifetime, their risk of getting Breast Cancer is just about one in one thousand” (11 Facts About Breast Cancer). Also, unfortunately, “one woman will die from the cause of Breast Cancer every thirteen minutes in the United States of America” ( 11 Facts About Breast Cancer). These wolman in the United States of America are in need of a lot of help and support.
To help spread out the information about Breast Cancer and how important it is for a woman with Breast Cancer to get exercise is why we need more support. For example “Exercise reduces the risk of a woman getting Breast Cancer (31 Breast Cancer Facts). Another thing about a woman with Breast Cancer getting exercise is that, “the woman needs at least about thirty minutes of exercise per week” (31 Breast Cancer Facts). Exercise is very benificial to a woman with Breast Cancer. “A woman with Breast Cancer should always get exercise” (31 Breast Cancer Facts). “But when exercising they should never push their body’s too much” (31 Breast Cancer Facts). this will keep them from hurting themselves are even overworking their bodies. By exercising, this also helps reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes. Also, it helps the women control their weight. And last, it also helps reduce the risk of premature death. Every woman with Breast Cancer needs to know these things about exercising. We as a people need to help spread this information.
Way too many women are being diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
So many women need help and support. “For example, about 220,000 women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer in a year” (11 Facts About Breast Cancer). Another thing is, “in the United States of America, one in eight women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer” (11 Facts About Breast Cancer).Too many women are being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. “Every nineteen seconds some woman in the world is diagnosed with Breast Cancer (11 Facts About Breast Cancer). “ This is why getting mamograms is very important” (11 Facts About Breast Cancer). All these women need help and support. This is where the readers come in and help these at risk or dying
People need to know how to prevent or how to help prevent Breast Cancer. For starters, “when it comes to things women intake as far as drinks and foods, alcohol is one of the things women need to stay away from(” 31 Facts About Breast Cancer). “Also they should get a lot of exercise” ( Do You Have Breast Cancer?). There is a lot of information that these women need to know! Like another thing is, " Do not smoke!" ( 31 Breast Cancer Facts). "Also, get screenings on the regular" ( 1in 8 Women). To prevent Breast Cancer, we as a people need to not be sophomoric and help spread this type of information. So this is why the readers need to support and donate to Breast Cancer.
With a lot of help and support, this goal can be and will be reached. So this is why we need all the readers support. Breast cancer needs to be prevented. Women need all the help they can get!