There are several causes that may cause a garage door track to bend. This mostly involves other features of the door mechanism. Here are some of the common issues that may lead to bending of the garage …show more content…
door tracks.
Broken Cables.
On each side of a garage door there two cables. If either of the cable breaks or snaps, the door will not be supported on one side. If one tries to open the door at this instance this will result in bending of the track hence jamming the garage door. If the issue is not resolved on time it might result to further damage to other parts.
Jamming or breaking the cable drum connection.
Cable drum is the metal spool around which the door cable is wounded up.
Failure or incorrect functioning results to lack of support on one side of the garage door. This may result into bent door tracks.
Lack of sufficient lubrication on rollers.
Insufficient lubrication of the rollers can hinder the movement of the rollers up and down. This leads to where one of the side stops while the other side tries to move. This creates tension which can bend the door tracks or result to extensive damages to other components. One should check the garage door repair coupons for guidance on lubrication process.
Damage from chemicals or salts.
During garage door installation proper cleaning should be carried out. Presence of industrial salt, spray fumes or salty rain, might get into contact with some areas of garage door. These chemicals being corrosive react with the metal panels and other parts of the door leading to wear and tear over time. This causes deterioration of the panels and garage door tracks causing bends.
Age factor.
All materials have a lifespan, nothing is built to last forever. Therefore, overtime even garage doors built with the best tracks will show signs of damage. Presence of foreign compounds such as dust and rust leads further damage to track and panels on the garage door.
Damage of other
In most cases any damage to one component of the garage door mechanism arises from an issue with another component. On such component is the door spring, garage door spring repair should be carried out during garage door service.
Failure to install this stiffener.
This can result in the jerking of the electric lift unit. This slowly bend the top panel track of the garage door until it jams the system. This problem does not appear until the door tracks and wheels need lubrication and begin to drag.