When creating a team it is best to make sure you build the team around people as if you were to have a team with the same kind of people or even highly contrast to the point of not being able to make decisions then this will mean that the team will not perform well.
Team Building
Usually to build a cohesive team candidates will usually need to attend an assessment day. On that day candidates will be put into groups and be monitored to see how candidates interact. This shows us many things like who to put together. you may see that some people are very shy in groups and will not give as much input. It would then be a good idea to try and keep these people away from each other as having a group of people not able to talk to each other is not a good idea.
An induction programme is a series of activities designed to introduce new employees to an organisation, its members and its working practises. Teambuilding is the best and quickest way to get to know each other. Also new employees will be given about 2 weeks training them how to work in teams to help them when they get into working in teams.
Coaching and mentoring
Usually an experienced person helps learners become more effective. Mentoring and coaching can be used to encourage team members and to provide targets for them to achieve that are manageable, rewarding and motivating coaching and mentoring are four key difference between them. The duration in which coaching can go from a very long span of time but can also be limited to a single session. However, mentoring can last a very long time and can even become a intermittent relationship. Coaching will have different benefits to the person doing it. For a coach they will gain skills for being a line manager and supervisor. Mentoring will not get the same benefits as the line manager and should also not be done by the same person as. When you get coaching it will usually only cover day-to-day work this is