1 – Adopt – Adopting someone is one of the greatest things you can do. You’ll change your life and someone else’s. Adopt a baby, a child, or a teen. By being adopted they’ll always know that there is truly kind people in the world and they’ll pay it back to society.
2 – Just Be Nice – This is something EVERYONE can do, you don’t need any money or any talent. Hold the door for someone, smile, or say hello. You will change someone’s whole day, week, month, year, or maybe even life. Then they’ll be nicer to others, which will just continue the cycle and you won’t even realize that YOU changed THOUSANDS of lives.
3 – Donate – Donate blood, food, time, money, or whatever you can. Donate online, help entrepreneurs in developing countries on Kiva, lend to people on Prosper, or just play the simple game on FreeRice.
4 – Be Positive – Bring more positivity into the world. It so simple but so effective.
5 – Listen – Listen to people, let them talk, learn about their lives, sometimes that’s all someone needs.
6 – Start a Business – Become a social entrepreneur with a company that donates a portion of your profits to charity, or employ those “at risk”. Don’t hire those who graduated from the most prestigious universities and had an easy life, hire those that struggled and triumphed through adversity. They’ll work the hardest because they know what it takes.
7 – Create Art – “Paint” the world. Create more music, paintings, writings, photography, or any other art. Art inspires, motivates, and changes lives.
8 – Get Vocal – Have a cause that you’re passionate about? Get out there and make your voice heard. Hold rallies, protest, write letters, write articles in newspapers, blog about it, or start a forum. Being silent isn’t going to do anything.
9 – Be a Great Parent – Teach your children about the world and how they can change it. Teach them that