How to clean a fish tank the right way
By Moises Maya
Every weekend, normally saturday I used to clean mi fish tank (back when I had one), the process is a easy one, but easy doesn't mean fast or not careful, first of all you have to make sure you have all the right equipment for this process.
First of all you're gonna need a large bucket already full of water, not the same as the tank itself but one that your fish can be comfortable in, this is where you are going to put your fishes while yo complete the cleaning process. With a net you are going to carefully, get your fish one by one and transport them from one tank to another.
Once all the fish are out of the tank get all the decorative items and put them in a large bowl or a safe place, even the bathtub is good. With a scoop or a medium bowl get the most water out of the tank, you can use a gravity vacuum too, do it yourself or buy it.
With a soft sponge you’re gonna clean all the glass from the inside, making sure no residue is being left behind, if the tank is heavy or fragile and you cant turn it upside down, rinse the inside of the tank and get all the dirty water out with a large sponge (like the one you use to clean your car), and get the residue.
The decoration need to be cleaned too, use a old toothbrush. If the decoration have algae growing from them and its difficult to clean use a 10% bleach solution diluted in water, let the items in water for 10-15 minutes and wash again. Once everything is clean put the decorations back in the tank ad fill with clean water, and add the saltwater solution (if needed).
Make sure you change the tank filter at least once a month. When the tank is ready return the fish to their big tank. Don’t forget to clean the outside of the tank too. You can use a glass cleaner solution with newspaper to get a streak free shine.