How do you define abnormal
Schwartz paper
What’s in a name?
Definitions: in relation to article
1. abnormal behavior- overt
2. behavioural
3. mental illness- underlying cause of behavior
4. maladaptive behavior
5. insanity- unable to manage lives
techniques naturalists- 18th 19th century
1. discovering
2. groups
3. how they developed emulate and become more scientific adds organsms abnormal lunar cycles originally
somatogenic- body tissue psychogenic- mind past experience
cure- similar
MAD- homogenous group (original, similar issue, different stages) cure with herbal medicine, bleeding, didn’t know what was wrong with who
then could group with symptoms ie delusions, grandeur, intellectual decline:: general pareis from this cause and cure then discover, classify, find how to cure
once this was outlined and made universal- it needed to be made universal- this was done by Wilhelm wundt- compendium of psychiatry
still issues with diagnosis of mental illness if we consider abnormal behavior mentall illness how can we understand what is ill and what not it is context dependent it is effected by social values
defining normaly straightforward and easy to understand inadequate to apply to human traits doesn’t consider context subjective distress how much it actually effects the person cannot be applied to all mental illness pathology observe symptoms less normal and abnormal cure underlying cause (if there is an underlying problem)
Classification and diagnosis until 19th century no clear mention of psychological disorder- all insanity dementia praecox psychotic disorder by rapid conginitive disintegration emil kraepelin- used the term to group together conditions that he believed were all forms symptomsL deulsions, negativism, inability to focus attention kraepelin detailed records physical and behavioural properties transcripts, physical, weight temperature, menses, respiration