PSY Report 2
Dissecting a Scholarly Research Article
Overall, the hypothesis was a positive relation between the number of attempts and obtained high scores on quizzes based on previous research (Juhler, Rech, From, &Brogan, 1998). They furthered their hypothesis by predicting that attempting the quiz on the first five days would result in high final quiz grades instead of taking the quizzes later. They also predicted that offering extra credit during the first five days would result in a larger number of initial attempts during the first five days. The incentive group was offered extra credit and the no incentive group was not offered extra credit. Also attempting the quizzes during the first five days would lead to an increase in the number of overall attempts. Lastly, they predicted that the grand total of quiz high scores would vary as a function of group (McGuire, MacDonald, 2009).
6 of the 10 sections of Introductory Psychology were given the chance of extra credit if they took their quizzes within the first five days. 2 or 3 questions from lecture or class demonstration. Participants were 270 students during the fall semester of 2005, 163 students were offered extra credit (incentive group) and 107 students were not offered extra credit (no incentive group). Many teachers pulled questions from a shared database covering the textbook readings. The quizzes were 60% multiple choice and 40% fill in the blank and short answer. The highest score a student could get was a 25 points for each quiz. Students took the quizzes on their own time in a computer lab on campus. Each quiz was available for 10 days except for quiz 3 which was available for 9 days due to holidays. For the student to take the quiz they had to show a picture ID and enter their user name and password. The quizzes were protected by a password so students could not access the quizzes from home. Not all students stayed to receive feedback on their quizzes. Master
References: McGuire, M. J., MacDonald, P. M., (2009). Relation of Early Testing and Incentive on Quiz Performance in Introductory Psychology: An Archival Analysis. Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p134-141. Weiten, W. (2014). Psychology: Themes and variations, briefer version, ninth edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.