What they do
Sports Leaders UK changes lives: its range of awards and qualifications equips people with the skills and motivation to create and run sporting activities in the community.
Each year 150,000 young people train to be Sports Leaders by taking part in Sports Leaders UK courses, the majority through their schools, colleges and universities. Now, a growing number of courses are delivered in prisons, youth offending institutes, and a variety of local youth and community organisations. This provides opportunities for young people to volunteer as a Sports Leader and take up a purposeful role within their community, gaining recognition for their skills as a leader, and with this develop a valuable sense of self-worth. Many build and pursue ambitions for further education, training, and future employment which they would not have otherwise dreamt of.
Trained Sports Leaders provide vital local volunteers to get people active in their communities. Our movement of over 150,000 Sports Leaders each year is providing a national impetus for a more healthy and physically active nation.
- See more at: http://www.sportsleaders.org/about-us/what-we-do/#sthash.7AogWIWJ.dpuf
Why they do it
Sports leadership courses were founded to support the many voluntary community sports clubs which provide the vast majority of sporting opportunities at grassroots level across the UK.
Central to the development of these courses was the need to support willing volunteers to feel better equipped and confident in supporting those clubs. Over the last 27 years it has become clear that the role of the volunteer has become increasingly important to our society, and that through volunteering not only the community, but the individual can benefit - particularly young people learning about their place in society, and particularly those who have the least chances that society can offer. Our work has therefore developed on the belief that the individual can and