For more detailed guidance on note taking techniques see the guide Effective Note Making.
Have a clear focus for your reading. Set your reading goals.
Survey the text before you spend the time and effort involved in detailed reading.
Scan and skim to select the text for detailed reading.
Scan and skim after detailed reading to reinforce your understanding.
Use a form of note taking whilst reading in detail, to keep you concentrating, aid understanding and provide you with a record of your reading.
Using clear reading goals and a variety of reading skills is more important than increasing your reading speed.
To improve your reading speed, don't increase the speed of the eye across the page, but increase the number of words the eye recognises in a single fixation.
How to Improve Your Reading Skills back
The University of Alabama
Center for Academic Success
124 Osband
Eighty-five percent of college work requires reading. How good are your reading skills? Here are seven steps to help you improve your reading skills:
1. Evaluate your reading habits to find out where you need improvement. Do you "say" the words you’re reading? Do strange words slow your speed and comprehension? Do you read every word? Do you re-read sentences? Do you vary your speed to suit the material?
3. Use your eyes efficiently. If words are blurry, get your eyes checked by a professional. Don’t "say" what you read, and don’t re-read unnecessarily. Read phrases, not every single word.
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5. Match your speed to the material you are reading. Know what and why you’re reading. Preview the material, especially when studying. Study reading requires closer, slower reading. For leisure reading you can go faster. Be sure you get the information in graphic aids and illustrations.
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