Spamming :
Caps/random letters and more things that will heart some one's feelings .
1st : warn ( name) disrespect staff .
2nd : /mute ( name) 5 minutes disrespect staff .
3rd : /mute ( name ) 10 minutes disrespect staff .
4th : /mute ( name ) 15 minutes disrespect staff .
staff impersonation : that's when a player change his name to a mod name to acts they are the mods.
/tempmute ( name) 10 minutes staff impersonation.
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but the problem is i am a helper so i will record him and send to you the video in skype or discrod . but if i will be a moderator .
1st /temban ( name ) 48h/2days hack use
=============================================================================================================================================================================================Advertising : this is when a player send an ip of other server but i am only a helper but if i will be a mod
/tempmute ( name) 15 advertising . and after the tempmuted him will send a photo to a mod and ban him
/ban ( name ) advertising .
Purchase trolling : this i when someone have top rank and other player buy to him a lower rank and cusses a trobel i will screenshot it and send it to a mod .
(Note : if there is some cases I didn't wrote it tell me and i will fix