The need for harsher sentencing in law reform may appease the needed features of punishment, but stricter penalties have not been proven to show reduced crime rates and then follows in seeking to promote social values for harsher sentancing undermining us our social value for fairness and the idea of justice to the individual new concepts of justice: When our social values change so do our views on the concept of justice. sentancing laws are alwats subject to law reform auditing and areas where sentances are currently in view of NSW relate to white collar crimes and indigenous offenders. new technology:Fresh and new technology create the necessity for law reform .Once technology is ahead of the law it puts pressure on the law to change an example of this could be the creation of a plasic gun blueprints that can be created on a commercial 3D printer. question 2:agencies of reform: NSW law reform commision -eliminates issues in laws or laws that are out of date/simplifies and renews law and adopts new means to justify the law. parliament: The main law-making body issuing any criminal law changes. courts:Are to interpret and apply the law provided by parliament.
Lobby groups:Are groups that influence law reform through encouraging public awareness.
Other Agencies: Royal Commisions, the coroner and theoffice the Ombudsman. part A)
1-The role of courts and parliaments in law reform is to change laws that have dated since when the law first came in and to "modernize" the law. An example of this is capital punishment. Courts usually change the law or adapt laws that get brought up by court cases but the parliament had to produce a bill, whitch it goes through the house of