A Minor Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (T&TM) programme of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi.
Submitted To: Submitted by:
Komal Goel Ishaan Rastogi Roll No.: 03512205012
Delhi College of Advanced Studies
B-7, Shankar Garden, Vikaspuri
New Delhi – 110018
Batch (2012-2015)
I hereby declare that the minor project report, entitled “Adventure Tourism”, is based on my original study and has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma to any institute or university. The work of other author(s), wherever used, has been acknowledged at appropriate place(s). Place: New Delhi Candidate’s signature Date: Name: Ishaan Rastogi * Enroll. No.: 03512205012
Name : Ms. Komal Goel Supervisor Delhi College of Advanced Studies
An independent project is a contradiction in terms. Every project involves contribution of many people. This project also bears the imprints of many people and it is a pleasure for me to acknowledge and thank all of them.
I am deeply indebted to Ms./Mr. Komal Goel who acted as a mentor and guide, providing knowledge and giving me his/her valuable time out of his/her busy schedule, at every step throughout the project. It is only because of his/her this project came into being.
I also thank Prof. (Dr.) M. S. Chaudhary Director of Delhi College of Advanced