Throughout your time at university you will be required to write essays or assignments. These serve an important function and you should see them as a very useful opportunity to express your own ideas and to reflect your understanding of a subject.
Most of us find getting down to writing assignments difficult. The advice below will help you plan and clearly structure your writing. You should feel confident that when you hand in your work to be marked you have given it your 'best shot '. It is important for you to keep essay writing in perspective and not worry too much; this can often be easier said than done. By knowing what is expected of you, planning your essay writing thoroughly and getting it in on time you will feel more at ease with yourself.
Why write essays - What are lecturers looking for in an assignment?
The purpose of essays and assignments is to direct attention to certain ideas which are considered to be an important element in a course of study. They are also a means of developing independent research skills.
Essays and assignments therefore serve an important function and you should see them as a very useful opportunity to express your own ideas and to reflect your understanding of the subject. They can be used as part of the overall grading for a module (summative assessment) or to assess your current level of understanding of a topic and then help to raise that level by the use of tutor feedback (formative assessment).
How are Essays Marked? Assessment Criteria
Often students aren 't sure of the best way to approach writing and having to write essays or assignments can thus seem quite daunting.
Before sitting down to write your essay it is worthwhile thinking about what aspects will get you good marks. We asked a lecturer to say what he was looking for in a good assignment. His answers were as follows:
“When assessing either written coursework or examination
References: This is a list of the books, periodicals, journals, etc., which you have consulted or quoted from. It should be given at the end of the essay. There are several accepted ways in which it may be presented. It is important to ensure that the books consulted are recent editions. Essays constructed upon material which is seriously out of date may result in misleading statements and a consequent loss of marks. GOOD LUCK!