MANA 3318 - SUMMER 2011
|INSTRUCTOR: Pam Van Dyke |Course Time and Location |
|Office Hours: By Appointment Only |MANA 3318 Section 001 |
|Email: |Monday – Thursday 8:00 am– 10:00 am |
|LinkedIn: |Room #251 |
|Phone: 214.564.6352 please leave a message | |
TEXT: Organizational Behavior: Foundations, Realities & Challenges 5th Edition
Nelson, D.L., and Quick, J.C. (2006). Organizational Behavioral: Foundations, Realities and Challenges, Fifth Edition. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
My teaching philosophy is to do everything I can to make learning an action VERB. What I mean by that is I view learning as active and dynamic! What I have learned in my 14 plus years of teaching higher education is I cannot teach alone, I need YOU to make it interesting and enjoyable. I hope to create the type of learning environment that is interactive and interesting. Therefore, I will look for you to actively participate in the class discussions and help me make this a positive experience for us both.
Let the learning BEGIN!
This course examines various aspects of human behavior in organizations. Individual differences, ethics, culture, motivation, reward systems, leadership, organizational change, and group process are examined in the context of the organization’s structure, the diversity of its populace (employees, volunteers, etc.), its role in the global marketplace, and its internal and external cultural environment.
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