The Carex wahuensis is a green leaf like plant that grows as its sedges grows sharp on the outsides and turns sharp enough to cut a finger running up against it. It grows about 2.5 feet in height. It lives about for 5 years and is native to Hawaii. It grows fuzzy like flowers that have seeds inside. The Carex wahuensis is a native plant to Hawaii, the leaf blades can drop down and reach four feet. It's okay to touch the plant, but be careful, it has sharp blades as its leaves, the blades reach about four feet long and can slice your finger. I don't see how it can be used as a weapon considering I bends but you can get a paper cut on it when you slice your fingers on the sharp edges. It has seeds
The Carex wahuensis is a green leaf like plant that grows as its sedges grows sharp on the outsides and turns sharp enough to cut a finger running up against it. It grows about 2.5 feet in height. It lives about for 5 years and is native to Hawaii. It grows fuzzy like flowers that have seeds inside. The Carex wahuensis is a native plant to Hawaii, the leaf blades can drop down and reach four feet. It's okay to touch the plant, but be careful, it has sharp blades as its leaves, the blades reach about four feet long and can slice your finger. I don't see how it can be used as a weapon considering I bends but you can get a paper cut on it when you slice your fingers on the sharp edges. It has seeds