Beliefs or attitudes about people based on outward differences are known as racism. Most racism attacks people of a specific skin color or ethnic group. The prevalence of racism leads to discrimination and sometimes violence. When racism results in hate crimes in a community, it tears the community apart. Some forms of racism are obvious; more are hidden
• Speak up when you hear racist slurs or jokes. People often ignore jokes because they don't know why to say. However, remaining silent implies that you agree with such racist beliefs. Be ready with responses when you witness racist language or actions. Take the opportunity to initiate discussion.
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Act as a role model to others. Children and people around you respond to how you deal with racism. Treating others fairly sends the message that no one should be treated differently because of their appearance.
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Encourage community dialogues on racism. Enlist the support of human rights and community organizations to work together in dealing with racism.
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Recognize stereotypes in television, books and movies. The explosion of video and computer games provides even more avenues for racism. Contact the people behind racist products and explain your objection. Refuse to financially support any business or organization that allows racism.
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Respect the differences in all populations. While you should be proud of your membership in a culture, that does not mean you can disrespect or feel superior to another group.
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File a civil rights complaint when you are the victim of institutional racism.
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Join organizations that support tolerance and human rights. Be an active member in educating