Task 2
P3- Explain how to plan a small- scale health education campaign relevant to local or national health strategies
We are going to use the Change 4 Life and Drinkaware and their resources to help us with our own campaign. They have lots of useful information that will help us inform the students of the college about alcohol and drinking sensibly. Both campaigns have resources that show you how many units are in each drink and how many units you’d have had on an average night out. This will hopefully shock people and make them think about how much they actually drink. We will get our information by looking on the internet and also ringing the campaigns to see what resources we can get that will help us with our own campaign
Our targets for our campaign are to make people aware of how many units they’re drinking compared to what the recommended amount is and what can happen to their health if they’re drinking over the recommended amount.
We’ll do this by providing them with the information from Change 4 Life and Drinkaware. We will only use information from recognized and trusted websites so that we know the information we’re giving out is correct. We’ll get feedback from the students by doing a questionnaire before and after so we can see what they have learnt from our campaign.
On the Change 4 Life and Drinkaware websits it tells you about the recommended alcohol units a day men and women are allowed and we will be using this to hopefully shock people and make them realise how their putting their health at risk by drinking over the recommended amounts of units a day. On the Drinkaware website it has different statistics on the side about alcohol. For example one statistic says “More than 1 in 10 deaths of people in their 40s are from liver disease, most are alcohol liver disease. We will be using statics like this to hopefully shock people and make them realise that they need responsibly.
Our aims are to improve students and tutors in