Organization: This speech uses topical organization
Audience analysis: My audience consists of women who have recently become engaged. There will be four women between the ages of 30 and 40. The speech will take place in the a room at my work. All of the women are interested in learning how to plan their weddings on a budget.
Central Idea: Wedding necessities for cheap
General Purpose: To assist
Specific Purpose: I would like to teach women how to plan a wedding on a budget
I. Attention getter: Every woman wants to have the wedding of their dreams. Weddings can be very expensive. An average wedding cost $27,000 and majority woman however do not possess the means to have such a lavish event. But there are other ways to have your dream wedding without spending that much money. If you budget and shop you will have the wedding of your dreams. That money could be used toward a more extravagant honeymoon for instance.
II. Establish Credibility: Based on the research that I’ve seen, establishing the necessities for a wedding can drain your pockets. I can tell you from personal experience that weddings are expensive. Saving time and money by creating your own event is helpful to anyone.
III. Thesis Statement: I will discuss how to plan a wedding on a budget by using resources such as the internet, and shopping around to get your money’s worth.
IV. Preview Statement: During the minutes that follow, I will tell you how save on a wedding that you dreamed of having.
A. By exploring your flower options
B. By giving you your dream cake
I. I will show you how to save on your wedding flowers. Your flowers are one of the biggest cost of your wedding besides venues. Your flowers are about 10% of your budget (the knot.com)Your wedding bouquet alone will cost anywhere from $239-$104 and you could use the money you save on something
Cited: The bridal Association of America c.2006 The knot.com, Wedding budget 101 c 1997-2010 Weddingchannel.com. Is there ways to save money on your wedding cake c 1997-2010