To understand this importation, you have to know that the employers take between 10 to 30 seconds to evaluate your resume. And it’s your responsibility to convince theme during this short time. I will ask you, how you will convince your target? Which skills you have to put on the top? Just continue reading these topics to know about the most important 10 tips you should respect to success your resume:
1. Be concise. One to two pages is really good, more than that you will make the employer bored.
2. Keep it simple. Use the appropriate sentences and tell about your most noteworthy accomplishments not every detail of the project.
3. Put your most recent work experience first.
4. Include your current information (email, phone number, address…) . This is how we will most likely contact you!
5. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Have your friends or family proofread your resume if needed.
6. Be original. The content of your resume should look significantly different from your classmates’ resumes.
7. Put your unique experiences and skills on your resume! We want to know about you skills and tools you know use.
8. Tell only the truth. Do not embellish your resume! The truth always comes out in an interview.
9. Highlight any outstanding or unusual work you did either in school projects, work experiences or internships.
10. Use a professional photo and don’t write personal information like: your marital status, gender, religion…
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