To begin, the people of the United States had to stretch each dollar as far as it would go. Trying to stretch each dollar is like a giant game of tug a war. Those people had to sell their cars, cut of the water and try to do anything they could do to save their house. According to passage 1 “we stopped the evening paper, turned of the city water and cleaned out our well…” Those things people had to do were just a few of many things that people had to do to save their houses and their future. Life was hard living in the depression but there was some thing to do. Based on the text Digging In” you might watch a parachute jump at the airport or a free ball game at the city park.” The president had the idea of the new deal, to try and save his country from it hard times. …show more content…
The new deal is to send volunteers to do jobs jobs for the government and get paid for it. Based on passage 3 “ it addressed the pressing problem of unemployment by sending 3 million single men from age 17 to 23 to the nation's’ forests.” The people that go get paid 30 dollars a month and they send home 20 of it. That was the first part of the deal. The second part of the deal would employ over 8.5 million people to build bridges and roads for the country and also get paid 30 dollars a