4 March 2013
How to raise an academically successful child All parents want their children to succeed academically. But not all parents know how to accomplish this. With all the distraction in today 's society that a child must avoid it can be difficult. Academic success starts in early childhood. This is why firm parenting and an early emphasis on the importance of education are necessary. I will focus on how musical arts, strong parental guidance, and setting high expectations for your child will help them to succeed academically. Music education has many benefits and all children should be involved. Its biggest benefits are success in increasing intellect, culture, school and life (AMI). Music can give your child an intellectual superiority. "Music simply stimulates parts of the brain that are related to reading, math and emotional development" says children 's music specialist Meredith LeVande. Memory is also enhanced through musical arts. Engaging at an early in music helps with learning. Constant memorization will help stimulate brain development (Caren-Marturet). Being part in a music group will help build a child’s social skills. They will learn discipline, teamwork and be able to lead others. Which are all important life skills (Caren-Marturet). Self-Reliance is also raised through practicing music. Every child will not be good when they begin. But with lots of practice they will become more confident in their own abilities. Many children today have very little patience, if any at all. They want everything instantly. Being part of a music group will help them to develop patience. In a musical group everything it is all about timing. If everyone played when they felt like it the music would not come together correctly (Caren-Dotson). Studying also requires lots of patience. As a child progresses through school, hours of studying will be needed every night. If the patience is not present the child will struggle to stay focused and
Cited: “American Music Institute” Benefits of Music. 2012. Web. Feb 15, 2013 Campbell, Kim “Expectations: Do You Have Them? Do Students Get Them” NASSP March 23, 2010. Web. Feb 15, 2013. Chen, Grace “Parental involvement is Key to Academic Success” Public School Review Mar 25, 2008 Chua, Amy “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. 2011. The Blair Reader