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Verbs are a necessary component of all sentences. Verbs have two important functions: Some verbs put stalled subjects into motion while other verbs help to clarify . the subjects in meaningful ways
My grumpy old English teacher smiled at the .plate of cold meatloaf My grumpy old English teacher = stalled .subject; smiled = verb The daredevil cockroach splashed into Sara's .soup The daredevil cockroach = stalled .subject; splashed = verb Theo's overworked computer exploded in a .spray of sparks Theo's overworked computer = stalled
The important thing to remember is that every subject in a sentence must have a verb. Otherwise, you will have written a fragment, a .major writing error
Consider word function when you are .looking for a verb Many words in English have more than one function. Sometimes a word is a noun, sometimes a verb, sometimes a modifier. As a result, you must often analyze the job a .word is doing in the sentence
:For example Potato chips crunch too loudly to eat during .an exam Crunch is something that we can do. We can crunch cockroaches under our shoes. We can crunch popcorn during a movie. We can crunch numbers for a math class. In the
The crunch of the potato chips drew the angry glance of the teacher to the corner of .the room Even though crunch is often a verb, it can also be a noun. The crunch of the potato chips, for example, is a thing, a sound that we can hear. You therefore need to analyze the function that a word provides in a sentence before you determine what grammatical name .to give that word
Know an action verb when you see .one .
Dance! Sing! Paint! Giggle! Che w! What are these words doing? They are expressing action, something that a person, animal, force of nature, or thing can do. As a result, words like action verbs these are called