control at high speeds rather than low speeds. If you are speeding in bad weather conditions you…
Speed limits are a must for traffic control, for safety in neighbor hoods and for avoidance of collisions. Accidents are unintedtional and unforeseen, but result in personal injury or property damage. When driving on the roads, it is important to follow the posted speed limits. The speed limits were picked for a variety of reasons. One of the most important reasons is that the legal speeds are considerably safer than higher speeds. Traffic control establishes a set of rules and regulations that people rely on to help avoid collisions and other hazards. With almost 160 million motorists and 3.8 million miles of public roads in the United States, traffic control on the highways is an important aspect of daily life. Without the control of speed there would be more fatalities than we already have now. Speed limits should be obeyed. A motorist going too slow could cause an accident. When everyone is traveling at the speed limit, a car comes up going 40 mph; if you break everyone will, too, perhaps causing a collision. Motorists depend on traffic control to avoid collisions and travel safely to their destination. According to a report published by the Governors Highway Safety Association, speeding and aggressive driving are hampering efforts to reduce the fatality rate further.In 1999, speeding was a contributing factor in 30 percent of all fatal crashes, and 12,628 lives were lost in speeding-related crashes. The economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is estimated by the NHTSA to be $28 billion per year. Speeding…
Anywhere automobiles are used, there's an obvious increase in the risk of traffic accidents. Controlling such a large piece of machinery can be dangerous to the driver, passengers, other drivers on the road and pedestrians not using vehicles.…
that no harm can be done to us or to anyone else on the road. The consequences of speeding can…
Speeding has a major influence on the risk of being involved in a crash and on the severity of it. It gives you less time to react to the dangers that might be beyond your control, such as a problem with the road, another driver or a distraction and it will take you longer to stop. Yet it still remains the…
Driver safety can save a life everyday. The most common mistake made is to assume that just because you’re a great driver or that you’ve had your license for so many years so you will not be in or cause an accident. That is completely false! There’s a reason it’s called an accident and it is because it can happen to anyone at anytime. Being in a car accident myself changed the way that I drive forever. Safety tips for being a cautious driver are:…
With numerous technological distractions causing millions of deaths on the road each year, collision avoidance systems are becoming a must-have feature on every car.…
Believe it or not speeding is the third leading contributing factor in car accidents. On average, more than 33% of car accidents are caused from not following the proper speed limit. The consequences from getting in a…
People have agreed that the role in speed related accidents are 100 percent entirely theirs. When a topic such as this one has abroad amount of variables it is impossible to place the blame entirely on humans. I believe there is someone operating in a much bigger role when it comes to controlling speed. This role is currently being operated by a two headed monster; the federal government; who fail to pressure manufactures for change. Should we as people raise our concerns and protest? Why haven’t the government stepped in to change the MPH a vehicle can travel? Do the government and manufactures really care about safety? Will lowering the speed limit help any? Should we protest for a change of MPH in vehicles? With much speculation, this topic has become a very intriguing argument. The argument I’m going to present is to which why high speeds are allowed.…
There are many hazards of unsafe driving. It is a known fact that speed kills! When you operate a motor vehicle it is a privilege. After thinking about my speeding ticket I realized there may have been far reaching circumstances as a result of my actions.…
Many drivers these days would probably agree that there’s a “need for speed” on roadways everywhere. There’s always people running late for appointments, rebellious teen drivers, and fast sports cars who think they have the right to go faster than what the law prohibits. It’s not until they’re caught that they realize they’re no more important than the rest of the drivers on the road. Speeding is a very customary way for drivers to break the law. Breaking any law usually leads to unpleasant consequences, but breaking a law speeding can lead to many consequences. Speeding can cause a driver to receive a ticket, go to court, attend traffic school, and on top of that, make their insurance rates rise.…
Have you ever gone above the speed limit? You probably thought well the limit is to slow for the area and that this is a highway and i should be able to go faster on my commute. This is a problem many of us face, forced to go slower when we should be able to travel at a greater speed of the roads. I will discuss the reasons why you should be allowed to go faster and the reasons why we cant go faster on our commutes.…
More often than not motorcycle safety should be a major concern for riders and should be learned and practiced prior to the operation of any motorcycle. Motorcycle safety is a very important consideration not only to the operator but also for other individuals when sharing the road and should not be learned through adverse experiences. The Proper use of a D.O.T., Department of Transportation, approved helmet insures that the possibility of serious head injuries or death can be greatly reduced. Current statistics, from 2008, from The Center For Disease Control @ state that “A Proven Safety Measure. Helmets save motorcycle riders' lives. Helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69%. In a motorcycle…
I’m in agreement with the limitations of speed limits because speed kills. It’s very important to have speeding laws in order to protect people and their property. Every driver should obey the law and not speed. There are several factors that increase the chances of fatality when a driver decides to speed. Speeding during the night, the weather conditions, and driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs also contributes to speeding. No driver should want to be guilty of speeding because you never know what your consequences maybe.…
The high speed limits are often causes of accidents that cause serious injuries and even death. The speed limit should be lowered so we can control accidents caused by high speed driving, pollution, and the high cost of operation and insurance.…