Home: 770-398-5432
Objective: To obtain a position based on my Education and professional work experience.
Summary of Qualifications: I have 15 years of experience. I have been assigned to monitor, conduct a needs assessment for all juveniles on my caseload as well as provide individual, family counseling. This is to ensure full compliance with the court order. Set schedules for juveniles are prepared to present in court. Interviews are conducted for legal, social and custody investigations for all juveniles under my caseload. Reports are created and utilized by Assistant District Attorneys, Public
Defenders, court- appointed attorneys and judges. Recommendations are made for individualized action plans for dispositional phases of court hearings. Witnesses, victims and other relevant individuals are identified for the preparation of executing subpoenas, summonses, and other legal documents. I am required to provided testimony in court, conduct in depth investigations on custody court matters referred by Fulton County Superior Court as well as the Fulton County Juvenile Court. I am required to identify and implement community resources, and they must design to meet the needs of children and their families that are referred to the Juvenile Court. Monthly reports are prepared on the status juvenile cases. I must ensure that all court cases and diversionary cases are calendared within mandated time limits. I must continue to monitor clients’ school, work, attendance, and participation in select resource programs.
Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, Mississippi
Bachelor of Science- May 1992
Discipline: Criminal Justice
Probation Officer, Fulton County Juvenile Court- January 1996 to 2002
Responsible for making sure all juveniles on my caseload comply with the Court Order. Ensuring that the clients’ and their family receive
References: Submitted upon request