The following report will document the formation and development of an independent production company, exploring the delegation of roles and responsibilities through a series of diagnostic tools and group evaluations. The realisation of group dynamics will also help to form a productive organisational structure and allow for any gaps in required skills sets to be identified at an early stage. This will enable prior planning and preparation to be carried out efficiently.
The portfolio will also follow the progression of the group programme idea, carefully evaluating and explaining its developments. Such developments will also help to structure the pitch and identify any weaknesses or threats facing the proposed project.
Finally, the portfolio will assess the management of the research project, and the depth of creativity and enterprise amongst the company and the idea, the report will also reflect on the success of the pitch itself in presenting to a panel of commissioning editors.
Aim and Objectives
• To form an independent production company, exploring an effective management structure, alongside individual roles and responsibilities.
• To pitch a programme or film concept, that demonstrates an understanding of the creative potential of television, radio or film.
• To evaluate the effectiveness of such programme, the success of the group pitch and the dynamics of the production company.
Part One: Initiation 1: Group Dynamics
1.1 Skills Audits
Before group decisions could be made it was important to recognise the skill sets already present within the group, in order roles could be delegated effectively. The 2007 Learning Skills Counsel Employers survey identified the importance of recognising individual and organisational skill sets within employment. Such processes enable a company to identify their strengths and recognise skill gaps, producing either new employment opportunities for those with the ‘required’
Links: - ‘A light touch regulatory model [for Ofcom] that allows media companies to develop and test new business models.’ Jeremy Hunt as cited in Smith (2010) - Preservation of OFCOM - Removal of ‘Contract Rights Renewal’ O’Reilly (2011) - Support for brand advertising/ Sponsorship within programmes