What are Pesticides? If it had the suffix- cide in it, then you know it’s about killing something. Pesticides are designed to kill unwanted living things, or pets, whether they are insects, weeds, fungi, termites, mites, rodents, or bacteria. (Lawson 1) Most pesticides are used in agriculture production. You might wonder, why are pesticides used in crops, well, it is actually extremely helpful for agriculture, for a very simple reason, to keep the crops healthy and prevent them from being wasted by disease and infections. Without pesticides, the amount and the quality of crops will hugely decrease. It protects crops from insect pest, weeds and fungal diseases while they are growing, it prevents rats, mice and other insects from contaminating foods whilst being stored and finally, safeguard human health, it stops crops from being contaminated by fungi, this obviously affects us because then we are the ones who eat the crops. But, people forgot that few inorganic pesticides used before World War 2 were called “economic poisons” because of their economic benefit to farmers. (Lawson 1). It remain us the toxicity that pesticides have. Pesticides do not discriminate between targeted and nontargeted living things.
What are Pesticides? If it had the suffix- cide in it, then you know it’s about killing something. Pesticides are designed to kill unwanted living things, or pets, whether they are insects, weeds, fungi, termites, mites, rodents, or bacteria. (Lawson 1) Most pesticides are used in agriculture production. You might wonder, why are pesticides used in crops, well, it is actually extremely helpful for agriculture, for a very simple reason, to keep the crops healthy and prevent them from being wasted by disease and infections. Without pesticides, the amount and the quality of crops will hugely decrease. It protects crops from insect pest, weeds and fungal diseases while they are growing, it prevents rats, mice and other insects from contaminating foods whilst being stored and finally, safeguard human health, it stops crops from being contaminated by fungi, this obviously affects us because then we are the ones who eat the crops. But, people forgot that few inorganic pesticides used before World War 2 were called “economic poisons” because of their economic benefit to farmers. (Lawson 1). It remain us the toxicity that pesticides have. Pesticides do not discriminate between targeted and nontargeted living things.