Cited: Bartsch U. and Muller B. (2000). Fossil fuels in a changing climate. (p.1 & pp.214-215). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gupta J. and Tol R.S.J. (2003). Why reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Reasons, issue-linkages and dilemmas. In Ierland E.C. Gupta J. and Kok M.T.J. (Eds.), Issues in international climate policy. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. Shogren J. (2000). Benefits and costs of Kyoto. In Carraro C. (Eds.), Efficiency and equity of climate change policy. (p. 28) London: Kluwer academic publishers. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations framework convention on climate change. (1997). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Retrieved date: Nov. 15, 2005, from No consensus on global warming policy (1997, November 27). Cable News Network. Retrieved date: Nov. 15, 2005, from You can fight global warming, authors urge. (2003, April 22). National Geographic News. Retrieved date: Nov. 15, 2005, from
Cited: Bartsch U. and Muller B. (2000). Fossil fuels in a changing climate. (p.1 & pp.214-215). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gupta J. and Tol R.S.J. (2003). Why reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Reasons, issue-linkages and dilemmas. In Ierland E.C. Gupta J. and Kok M.T.J. (Eds.), Issues in international climate policy. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. Shogren J. (2000). Benefits and costs of Kyoto. In Carraro C. (Eds.), Efficiency and equity of climate change policy. (p. 28) London: Kluwer academic publishers. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations framework convention on climate change. (1997). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Retrieved date: Nov. 15, 2005, from No consensus on global warming policy (1997, November 27). Cable News Network. Retrieved date: Nov. 15, 2005, from You can fight global warming, authors urge. (2003, April 22). National Geographic News. Retrieved date: Nov. 15, 2005, from