
How To Spot A Liar Analysis

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How To Spot A Liar Analysis
Not everyone is aware about how much people lie. Pamela Meyer says “On a given day, studies show that you may be lied to anywhere from 10 to 200 times.” That’s a lot of lies in one day! Throughout Pamela’s talk she discusses; Lying is a cooperative act, the three truths about lying and how lying affects us. Pamela is an awesome presenter, that uses several presentations skills. I am going to give you a summary, analysis of her speaking skills and my own personal opinion on her talk “How To Spot A Liar”.
Pamela Meyer begins her talk by saying ““I don't want to alarm anybody in this room, but it's just come to my attention that the person to your right is a liar. the crowd laughs but then she says “ Also the person to your left is a liar”. This automatically gets the audience involved in her talk and is a great opening to her topic. Meyer uses her own personal examples to back up her talk as well. For example she is talking about how she wrote a book called “Liespotting” and she says “no one wants to meet me in person anymore, no, no, no, no, no. They
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The content of her talk was overall good in my opinion. She used videos and her own personal examples to help express what she was saying. The videos she used were of Koko the gorilla, two men, and two mothers. She used these videos to help the audience understand what she means when she says “spotting a liar”. She put up two different videos of two different moms and made the audience try and pick out which one of the two was lying. This was a great idea to not only keep the audience involved but it also helped me personally understand what she was saying. When Pamela used her own personal examples they were either funny or relatable. When she talked about people not wanting to meet her for coffee that was an example of a funny one. When she talked about how much we get lied to it was crazy but, relatable. Overall the content of her talk was

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