Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skill development program designed to prepare students of Universities, Polytechnics/monotechnics and colleges of education for transition from the college environment to work (Akerejola 2008). Oyedele (1990) state that work experience is an educational program in which students participate in work activities while attending school.
1.1 brief histories of SIWES
The Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) was established in 1973/1974 section. Prior to the establishment of the scheme, there was a growing concern among Nigeria industrialist that graduates of our Universities and other higher institution of studies lacks adequate practical background studies preparatory for employment in the industries. It is against this background that the rationale for initiating and designing the scheme was pivoted. Consequently the scheme affords student the opportunity of familiarizing and exposing themselves to the required experience in handling equipment and machinery that are usually not available in their institution. The future prospect of the scheme to Nigeria as a nation is to help meet up the technical know-how needed to galvanize the industrial sector of the nation with indigenous expertise.
1.2 Organization Philosophy
Many Universities including Uni-Agric makurdi believe, in the provision of an avenue for the students to acquire practical industrial exposure in their respective discipline during the course of their studies. This is because such exposure would groom the students to fit more readily into industrial work environment after graduation. The scheme also offers lecturers the opportunity to evaluate the relevance of training to the needs of industries.
1.3 Objectives of the scheme i. To enlist and strengthen employers involvement in the entire educational process of preparing University graduate for employment in industry ii. To provide an avenue for students
References: A.K. Gautan antenna and wave propagation Gabriel Agwu Igwue principle of communication engineering Frieden, Robert. “telecommunication.” Microsoft Encarta 2009.