This is probably one of the simplest one, but I personally find it to be so effective. Most communication is nonverbal so it is wise for us to be conscious of what our face is portraying. A smile is a way to communicate that are receptive and friendly for others to approach. I think everyone knows at least one person who’s resting face looks angry. In networking situations we might be less likely to approach them because of the sour look of their face. Due to their resting face they might be blocking future business and personal relationships without saying a word. However if they make a conscious effort to smile they can stop that misconception. When I read this I also think of people who automatically made a great first impression with myself and others. Ms. Terpack is a perfect example of the smile principle. She has established a strong relationship with a countless number of students and faculty and that is due to the smile she has when she meets people. I think sometimes people don’t see the significance of a smile but I think this one principle can go a long …show more content…
“. This is something that I began to notice in my own life even as a child. I’ve seen instances where people are offended because a person they recently had a conversation with cannot remember their name. They view it as if the encounter was not as important to the other person Yet when we take the time to remember someone’s name it shows we are listening to them and we are engaged in the moment. In regards to a business situations I view this as crucial. It’s possible the decision maker will be angry if you do not remember their name, at that point you can lose the deal. Also when someone is selling it is a positive thing to repeat the person’s name during their pitch. The more you mention their name the more personalized the pitch is. This is useful because when someone hears their name they are more likely to re engage in the conversation. It’s also good to remember the name of a new friend or acquaintance. It shows them that you have taken the time to put their name in your long term memory and expect that relationship to