The Lord of the flies was a crazy book. They made a lot of headlines on that island. Man they they loved killing.
In the scary book by William Golberg, he wrote about characters who survived a plane crash. The setting is on a island. Its also on a beach by the mountains. the main characters are ralph and piggy. they meet first and become friends. coflict occur in the novel when Jack wants to be a leader, and he kills the people that are against him.
The first reason i think the boys savage and immoral behavior is based on how they don’t won’t all those people. I wouldnt like to have 30 people on island. they would have limited food supply. i wouldn’t want to share all thsat food and shelter. They took matters in there own hands and killed them. Them boys went crazy. Jack wanted everyone on his side. He made it that way. …show more content…
They didn’t know what was happening so they had vengance. They were really scared and had vengance. Little kids with vengnace is more powerful than a bomb. Their’s no telling what a kid will do when their scared. And them kids were scared of the beastie and killed simon. Thats vengance! Them kids were mean.
Those 2 reasons that the kids were crazy. Alot of kids that are scared aint no telling whats going to happen. Thats about it right